Would love to create product variants swatches (on product page), with not just the name field, but with an image or colour, etc. representing the variant. Check below two examples (Native Deodorant & Allbirds). Practically, it's how majority of e-comm stores handle this, but Webflow does a really poor, poor job at this! There's many requests to have the Webflow team implement this, but no luck! (https://discourse.webflow.com/t/product-variant-display/146475 , https://discourse.webflow.com/t/will-pay-for-help-e-commerce-customizing-product-color-variant/158588 , https://discourse.webflow.com/t/linking-cms-colors-to-product-variant-buttons-creating-swatches/175495/2 )
Would love to see you guys create something like this!!